mercredi 31 mars 2010



Dear. Kilimanjaro
Food is so scientific now a days.
All this counting complex carbs while factaring in dietary fibers and saturated fats versus amega 3 complex fats.
What the hell. It's like you need a ph. D just to eat. Maybe it's because i'm getting older and wider,
but talk about taking the fun out of eating a candy bar.
people get crazy with this stuff.
I remember my favarite ex.
-This last woman willing to live with me-
She was a raw food is't who wouldn't let me cook in my own house; said it killed me eat uncooked rice.
Have you ever eaten uncooked rice?
It's hand as shit.
And it tastes like dirt.

- Ryan Mohihan, New York-

Bouteille d'eau

Nul objet n'est offert à la consommation en un type unique.
Ce qui peut vous être refusé, c'est la possibilité matérielle de l'acheter.
Mais ce qui vous est donné "a priori" dans notre société industrielle
comme une grâce collective e comme le signe d'une liberté formelle,
c'est le choix.
Sur cette disponibilité repose la "personnalisation".


CH. de Gaulle

3.nov.7h matin